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Séamus Ó Coileáin a d’aistrigh go Gaeilge.


Scéalta aoibhne oideachasúla faoi ainmhithe a bhfuil cónaí orthu i gCoillte Mhuirlinne i nGaillimh. Sáraíonn siad cuid mhaith de na deacrachtaí a chaitheann leanaí a shárú ar na saolta seo. Instear scéalta faoi cholúr a ndéantar bulaíocht air, faoi sheachtar ioraí a sháraíonn bacainní agus a dhéanann foireann iontach, faoi chat a athraíonn shaol a carad –ulchabhán atá in ísle brí – chun na maitheasa, faoi chairdeas fadsaoil atá ag cailín le crann, agus faoi choileán tréigthe a thuigeann luach an chineáltais de bhun cairdis le broc.

Is cinnte go mbainfidh léitheoirí óga taitneamh as seo. Eispéireas taitneamhach agus oideachasúil léitheoireachta a bheidh ann dóibh, rud a fhágann nár mhór do gach leanbh an leabhar seo a léamh.”

Scéalta taitneamhacha faoi ainmhithe, a phléann teachtaireachtaí tábhachtacha

Ábhar iontach léitheoireachta


Ceapadóireacht atá sa leabhar seo a insíonn scéal an cholúir a fhaigheann amach gurb é an chúis a ndearnadh bulaíocht air foinse a mhisnigh agus a laochais freisin.


Funded by COGG.



All 5 books of the Merlin Woods Series in one book. Flappy. Billa & Buster. Golden Key of Wisdom. The Listening Tree and Emily & Tristan. 


This contains all the stories of the 5 individual books of the series, including the discussion lists and fun facts from each story. 


Much loved by children, parents and grandparents alike. This book offers hours of lovely storytelling sessions on a wide variety of topics.


No 1: Flappy. The Pigeon Who Overcame Bullying

Flappy is born with abnormally large wings that flap too loudly and frighten everyone. Because of this, he is asked to leave home and is terribly bullied by the others. Only when he rises to meet the challenge of saving the kidnapped princess does he realise that his greatest weakness was in fact his greatest strength. For, you should never limit your challenges but challenge your limits.

No 2: Billa & Buster. Kindness Is a Circle

Abandoned after Christmas once caring for him became too strenuous for a family, Buster is left to struggle in the woods. Homeless, lost and abandoned, he nearly perishes in the cold winter, but Billa the badger saves him and shows him how kindness is a circle. Together they return kindness to Mrs Joyce who ends up in a tricky situation in the woods. They learn how kindness given will always return.

No 3: The Golden Key of Wisdom. A Journey Into Teamwork

Here you get to read the antics of seven squirrels, all with entirely different personalities who don’t get along. That is, until they find a golden key and go in search of what the key opens. On their way, they have to overcome a myriad of complex obstacles that help them form a team and friendships with one another which proves to be the true treasure.

No 4: The Listening Tree. Befriending Nature

Johanna decides she has had enough! She moves to run away from home. On her journey, she takes a rest at a tree. Surprisingly, the tree starts to talk to her and then, listen to her problems. The tree becomes a valued friend, listening and offering advice all through her lifetime. The story highlights the importance of nature in our lives, as well as the meaning of family, the importance of honesty and reputation, the need for compassion, the importance of saying sorry and more...

No 5: Emily & Tristan. How Friends Can Make a Difference.

Emily the cat comes across a downtrodden, grumpy and hopeless Tristan the owl in Merlin Woods. It takes several attempts before enough trust is built up and friendship can develop. But Emily perseveres and builds a support network for the depressed owl that changes his life around.


Fabhalscéalta Ó Ghaillimh. Sraith Coillte Mhuirlinne. Paperback

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